Jennifer Shaw



Jennifer’s interest in the field of Physiotherapy was sparked at an early age and her passion for helping others restore their movement and function continues to grow.  She, herself, leads an active lifestyle and can often be found hiking one of the many beautiful East Coast Trails or riding her bike along the various trails in St. John’s.

We Are A Collaborative Wellness Centre.


In her practice, she utilizes various treatment options such as acupuncture, soft tissue techniques, manual therapy, modalities, education, and injury specific exercise regimes. Jennifer looks forward to assisting many more clients with their road to recovery and maximizing their movement and function.


After completing her Physiotherapy degree at Dalhousie University in 1997, Jennifer returned to her home province of Newfoundland and Labrador to begin her career.  She has completed many post secondary courses that, coupled with her degree, have guided many people on their rehabilitation pathway.